Step-by-Step Guide to Taking Screenshots on Ubuntu
Taking screenshots on Ubuntu is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. This guide will walk you through the process of taking screenshots on Ubuntu.
1. Open the application or window you want to take a screenshot of. Make sure it is displayed correctly and that all necessary elements are visible before proceeding to the next step.
2. Press the “PrtSc” key on your keyboard, which stands for Print Screen and is usually located near the top right corner of your keyboard, between F12 and Scroll Lock keys. This will capture an image of your entire screen and save it to your clipboard memory temporarily until you paste it somewhere else or save it as an image file permanently.
3. To save this screenshot as an image file, open up any photo editing software such as GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) or Paintbrush (which comes pre-installed with Ubuntu).
4. Once inside either program, press Ctrl+V (or Command+V if using Mac) to paste the screenshot from your clipboard into a new document in either program; alternatively, you can also go to Edit > Paste in both programs if using Windows/Linux operating systems respectively).
5. Now that you have pasted the screenshot into either program, go ahead and crop out any unnecessary parts from around its edges so that only what needs to be seen remains visible within its frame; this step is optional but recommended for better results when sharing images online or printing them out later on paper media formats such as posters or flyers etcetera..
6 Finally, once satisfied with how everything looks within its frame, go ahead and save this image by going File > Save As… then choose where exactly do you want this file saved onto your computer’s hard drive along with what format should it be saved in (JPEG/PNG/GIF etcetera). And there you have it! You have successfully taken a screenshot on Ubuntu!
How to Use the Built-in Screenshot Tool in Ubuntu for Capturing Images
Ubuntu is a popular Linux-based operating system that comes with a built-in screenshot tool. This tool allows users to capture images of their desktop or any other window they have open. Taking screenshots in Ubuntu is easy and can be done in just a few steps.
To begin, open the Activities overview by pressing the Super key (the Windows logo key). Then, type “screenshot” into the search bar and select “Take Screenshot” from the list of results. This will open up the screenshot utility window.
From here, you can choose whether to take a screenshot of your entire screen or just one window. If you choose to take a screenshot of your entire screen, click on “Grab whole screen” and then press “Take Screenshot” at the bottom right corner of the window. Your image will be saved as an image file on your computer’s hard drive in PNG format by default.
If you want to take a screenshot of only one window, click on “Grab current window” instead and then press “Take Screenshot” at the bottom right corner of the window again. The image will also be saved as an image file on your computer’s hard drive in PNG format by default but it will only contain what was visible within that particular window when you took it.
You can also customize how long Ubuntu waits before taking its screenshots if desired; simply adjust this setting using the slider located at the bottom left corner of this utility’s main interface before pressing “Take Screenshot”. Once you are finished taking screenshots, simply close out this utility by clicking on its X icon located at its top right corner or pressing Alt+F4 simultaneously on your keyboard for quick access back to your desktop environment again afterwards!