Home » How To Take A Scrolling Screenshot on My Phone

How To Take A Scrolling Screenshot on My Phone

by Simon Todd
How To Take A Scrolling Screenshot on My Phone

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Take a Scrolling Screenshot on Your Phone

Taking a scrolling screenshot on your phone can be a great way to capture an entire page or conversation in one image. Whether you’re trying to save an article, capture a chat thread, or just want to share something with friends, this guide will show you how to take a scrolling screenshot on your phone.

Step 1: Open the page or conversation that you want to capture. Make sure it is fully loaded and that all of the content is visible on your screen.

Step 2: On most phones, taking a scrolling screenshot requires using two buttons at once. Depending on your device, this could be the power button and volume down button (for Android) or the home button and lock/power button (for iOS). Press both buttons simultaneously for about two seconds until you hear a shutter sound or see an animation indicating that the screenshot has been taken.

Step 3: Once the screenshot has been taken, it will appear as an image in your photo gallery app. You may need to scroll down within the image in order for all of its content to be visible; if so, use two fingers and swipe up from within the image itself until all of its content is visible.

Step 4: If desired, you can now edit and share your scrolling screenshot as needed!

The Benefits of Taking a Scrolling Screenshot on Your Phone and How to Do It Easily

Taking a scrolling screenshot on your phone can be a great way to capture long webpages, conversations, or other documents that don’t fit on one screen. This type of screenshot allows you to capture an entire page in one image, making it easier to share with others or save for later. Fortunately, taking a scrolling screenshot is easy and can be done with just a few taps on your phone.

The first step is to open the page you want to take the screenshot of. Once it’s open, press and hold the power button and volume down button at the same time until you hear a shutter sound or see an animation indicating that the screenshot has been taken. Depending on your device model, this may vary slightly but should generally follow this pattern.

Once you have taken the initial screenshot, look for an option that says “scroll capture” or “capture more” at the bottom of your screen. Tap this option and then use two fingers to scroll down through the page while keeping them pressed against your screen until you reach the bottom of what you want captured in your image. When finished, tap “done” at the top right corner of your screen and then save it as usual by tapping “save image” in order for it to appear in your photo library or gallery app.

Taking scrolling screenshots can be incredibly useful when trying to capture long conversations or webpages without having multiple images cluttering up our phones storage space; they also make sharing information much easier since everything is contained within one image file instead of several separate ones! Additionally, they are incredibly easy to do once familiarized with how they work so there really isn’t any excuse not give them a try!


Q1: How do I take a scrolling screenshot on my phone?

A1: Depending on your device, you may be able to take a scrolling screenshot by using the built-in screenshot feature. On Android devices, press and hold the power and volume down buttons simultaneously for two seconds. On iPhones, press and hold the side button and volume up button at the same time. Once you have taken your initial screenshot, you can then scroll down to capture more of the page or image. When finished, release both buttons to save your scrolling screenshot.

Q2: What is a scrolling screenshot?
A2: A scrolling screenshot is an image that captures more than what is visible on one screen. It allows users to capture an entire webpage or long document in one single image without having to manually stitch together multiple screenshots.