Home » How To Take A Video Screenshot on Android Phone

How To Take A Video Screenshot on Android Phone

by Simon Todd
How To Take A Video Screenshot on Android Phone

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Take a Video Screenshot on Your Android Phone

Taking a screenshot of a video on your Android phone is an easy process. Follow these steps to capture the perfect moment from your favorite videos:

1. Open the video you want to take a screenshot of and pause it at the desired moment.
2. Press and hold down both the power button and volume down button simultaneously for two seconds until you hear a shutter sound or see an animation on your screen indicating that the screenshot has been taken.
3. To view your screenshot, open your photo gallery app and look for it in the Screenshots folder or Albums section depending on which version of Android you are using.
4. If desired, you can edit or share your screenshot directly from within this folder or album by tapping on its thumbnail image to open it up in full-screen mode where editing options will be available at the bottom of the screen (e.g., crop, rotate, etc.).
5. Once finished editing, tap “Done” in order to save any changes made before sharing with friends or family via social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., emailing them directly from within this folder/album or saving them onto an external storage device such as a USB drive if needed for later use elsewhere (e.g., computer).

Tips and Tricks for Taking the Perfect Video Screenshot on Your Android Device

1. Make sure your device is in the correct orientation: Before taking a screenshot, make sure that your device is in the correct orientation. This will ensure that the screenshot you take will be of the highest quality and resolution.

2. Adjust your video settings: If you are taking a screenshot from a video, make sure to adjust your video settings to get the best possible image quality. You can do this by adjusting brightness, contrast, saturation and other settings on your device’s display menu.

3. Use an app: There are many apps available for Android devices that allow you to take screenshots of videos with ease and accuracy. These apps usually come with additional features such as cropping or editing tools which can help you get the perfect shot every time!

4. Take multiple shots: Taking multiple screenshots of different parts of a video can help ensure that you capture all important details in one shot without having to go back and forth between frames or clips in order to find what you need later on when editing or sharing it online.

5. Use an external storage device: If possible, use an external storage device such as an SD card or USB drive when taking screenshots from videos so that they don’t take up too much space on your phone’s internal memory and can be easily accessed later on if needed!


Q1: How do I take a video screenshot on an Android phone?

A1: To take a video screenshot on an Android phone, you can use the built-in screen capture feature. To access this feature, open the Settings app and select “Display”. Then select “Screen Capture” and enable it. Once enabled, you can press the power button and volume down button at the same time to capture a screenshot of your current screen.

Q2: Is there any other way to take a video screenshot on an Android phone?
A2: Yes, there are several third-party apps available that allow you to take screenshots of videos playing on your device. Some popular options include AZ Screen Recorder, DU Recorder, and Mobizen Screen Recorder. These apps will allow you to record your screen activity as well as capture screenshots of videos playing in real time.