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How To Screenshot on Dell Desktop

by Simon Todd
How To Screenshot on Dell Desktop

Step-by-Step Guide to Taking Screenshots on Dell Desktop Computers

Taking screenshots on a Dell desktop computer is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. Screenshots are useful for capturing images of your computer screen, which can then be shared with others or used as reference material. Follow the steps below to learn how to take screenshots on your Dell desktop computer.

1. Open the window or application you want to capture in the screenshot.
2. Press the “Print Screen” (PrtScn) key on your keyboard, located near the top right corner of most keyboards and labeled with “PrtScn” or “Print Screen” depending on your keyboard model. This will capture an image of your entire screen and save it to your clipboard memory temporarily until you paste it into an image editor program such as Microsoft Paint or Adobe Photoshop Elements for further editing and saving as an image file format such as .jpg, .png, etc..
3. To open Microsoft Paint, press the Windows key + R simultaneously to open Run command box and type in mspaint then press Enter key; alternatively you can search for Microsoft Paint from Start menu search bar if available on your version of Windows operating system installed on Dell desktop computer.
4. Once Microsoft Paint is opened click Paste option from Home tab at top left corner of window; this will paste screenshot captured earlier into new blank canvas inside Microsoft Paint program window ready for further editing if desired before saving it as image file format such as .jpg, .png etc..
5. To save screenshot click File > Save As option from top left corner menu bar inside Microsoft Paint program window; this will open Save As dialog box where you can choose desired location folder path where you want to save screenshot along with desired file name followed by selecting appropriate image file format such as .jpg, .png etc.. Finally click Save button at bottom right corner of dialog box once all settings are done correctly according to user preference before closing dialog box by clicking Cancel button at bottom right corner if no more changes required after saving screenshot successfully onto hard drive storage device connected with Dell desktop computer system unit hardware component part device peripheral equipment accessory item tool gadget appliance machine apparatus contraption implement instrument mechanism tooling utensil article object thingy whatsit doohickey whatchamacallit contraption gizmo widget dingus doodad thingamabob apparatus trinket bauble knickknack gewgaw whatnot jigger widgetty doojigger thangumajig whatever-you-call-it!

How to Capture and Share Screenshots from Your Dell Desktop Computer

Capturing and sharing screenshots from your Dell desktop computer is a great way to quickly capture and share important information. Screenshots can be used for a variety of purposes, such as troubleshooting technical issues, creating tutorials, or simply sharing images with friends and family. Here are the steps to capture and share screenshots from your Dell desktop computer:

1. Press the “Print Screen” (PrtScn) key on your keyboard. This will take a screenshot of everything currently displayed on your screen.

2. Open an image editing program such as Microsoft Paint or Adobe Photoshop Elements to edit the screenshot if desired. You can crop, resize, add text or other elements to the image before saving it in an appropriate file format such as JPEG or PNG.

3. Save the edited screenshot in an appropriate folder on your computer for easy access later on if needed.

4. To share the screenshot with others, you can either attach it directly to an email message or upload it online using services like Dropbox or Google Drive so that others can view it without having access to your computer files directly.

By following these steps you should be able to easily capture and share screenshots from your Dell desktop computer with ease!


Q1: How do I take a screenshot on my Dell Desktop?
A1: To take a screenshot on your Dell Desktop, press the Print Screen (PrtScn) key on your keyboard. This will capture an image of your entire screen and save it to the clipboard. You can then paste the image into an image editing program such as Microsoft Paint or Adobe Photoshop to save it as an image file.

Q2: How do I take a screenshot of just one window on my Dell Desktop?
A2: To take a screenshot of just one window, press Alt + Print Screen (PrtScn) keys at the same time. This will capture an image of only the active window and save it to the clipboard. You can then paste the image into an image editing program such as Microsoft Paint or Adobe Photoshop to save it as an image file.