Home » How To Take A Partial Screenshot on Microsoft Computer

How To Take A Partial Screenshot on Microsoft Computer

by Simon Todd
How To Take A Partial Screenshot on Microsoft Computer

Step-by-Step Guide to Taking a Partial Screenshot on Microsoft Computers

Taking a partial screenshot on a Microsoft computer is an easy process that can be completed in just a few steps. This guide will walk you through the process of taking and saving your partial screenshot.

Step 1: Open the program or window that you want to take a screenshot of. Make sure it is displayed in the way you want it to appear in your screenshot.

Step 2: Press the “PrtScn” button on your keyboard, which is usually located near the top right corner of most keyboards. This will capture an image of your entire screen and store it in your clipboard memory.

Step 3: Open Paint, which comes pre-installed with all Windows computers, by searching for it in the Start menu or typing “mspaint” into Run (Windows + R).

Step 4: Once Paint has opened, press Ctrl + V to paste what was stored in your clipboard memory onto Paint’s canvas. You should now see an image of whatever was displayed on your screen when you pressed PrtScn earlier.

Step 5: Select the “Select” tool from Paint’s toolbar at the top of its window and draw a box around only what you want included in your partial screenshot by clicking and dragging with your mouse cursor over that area until everything else outside of this box is highlighted blue (this indicates that those parts are selected).

Step 6: Once everything outside this box has been highlighted blue, press Ctrl + C to copy only what was selected within this box onto Paint’s canvas again (this time without anything else outside this selection being copied).

Step 7: Now click File > Save As from Paint’s toolbar at the top left corner of its window and select where you would like to save this file as well as what type/format (e.g., JPEG) before pressing Save at bottom right corner to save it as an image file on your computer!

How to Easily Capture a Specific Area of Your Screen with Partial Screenshots on Microsoft Computers

Taking partial screenshots on Microsoft computers is a simple and efficient way to capture a specific area of your screen. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to do so.

First, open the program or file you wish to take a screenshot of. Then, press the “Print Screen” button (often abbreviated as “PrtScn”) located on your keyboard. This will capture an image of your entire screen and save it to your clipboard.

Next, open an image editing program such as Paint or Photoshop. Once opened, press “Ctrl + V” simultaneously in order to paste the screenshot into the program. You can then use the selection tool in order to select and crop out only the area you wish to capture in your screenshot. When finished selecting, click “Crop” at the top of the window and then save your new partial screenshot by clicking “File > Save As…”

By following these steps you can easily create partial screenshots with Microsoft computers that accurately reflect what you want them to show without having any unnecessary information included in them.


Q: How do I take a partial screenshot on a Microsoft computer?

A: To take a partial screenshot on a Microsoft computer, press the Windows key + Shift + S. This will open the Snipping Tool, which allows you to select an area of your screen to capture. Once you have selected the area, click “Save” and choose where you would like to save your image.