Home » How To Take A Video Screenshot on iMac

How To Take A Video Screenshot on iMac

by Simon Todd
How To Take A Video Screenshot on iMac

Step-by-Step Guide to Taking a Video Screenshot on an iMac

Taking a video screenshot on an iMac is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. This guide will walk you through the process of taking a screenshot from any video playing on your iMac.

Step 1: Open the video you want to take a screenshot of in QuickTime Player.

Step 2: Once the video is open, click “File” and then select “Take Screen Shot” from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: A window will appear with two options for taking your screenshot – either “From Selection” or “From Entire Clip”. Select whichever option best suits your needs and click OK.

Step 4: If you selected “From Selection,” use your mouse to drag over the area of the video that you want to capture as an image and then click OK when finished. If you selected “From Entire Clip,” simply click OK without making any further selections.

Step 5: Your image will now be saved as a .png file in your Pictures folder on your Mac computer, which can be accessed by clicking Finder > Pictures > Screenshots folder from within Finder or by using Spotlight Search (Command + Spacebar).

How to Capture the Perfect Video Screenshot on Your iMac in Just a Few Easy Steps

Capturing the perfect video screenshot on your iMac can be a daunting task. However, with just a few easy steps, you can easily capture the perfect screenshot of any video playing on your iMac. Here is how to do it:

Step 1: Open the video you want to take a screenshot of in QuickTime Player.
Step 2: Once the video is open, click “File” and then select “Take Screen Shot” from the drop-down menu.
Step 3: A window will appear asking you to choose between capturing an entire frame or just a portion of it. Select whichever option best suits your needs and click “OK”.
Step 4: The image will be saved as an image file in your Pictures folder by default; however, if you wish to save it elsewhere, simply drag and drop it into another folder or onto your desktop for easy access later on.

And that’s all there is to it! With these simple steps, you can now easily capture the perfect screenshot of any video playing on your iMac in no time at all!


Q: How do I take a video screenshot on my iMac?

A: To take a video screenshot on your iMac, open the QuickTime Player application and select File > New Screen Recording. You can then click the record button to start recording your screen. Once you have finished recording, you can save the file as an image or movie file.