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How To Screenshot A Certain Area On Mac

by Simon Todd
How To Screenshot A Certain Area On Mac

Step-by-Step Guide to Taking a Screenshot of a Specific Area on Mac

Taking a screenshot of a specific area on Mac is an easy process. Follow the steps below to capture the desired area of your screen:

1. Press Command + Shift + 4 on your keyboard. This will turn your cursor into a crosshair, which you can use to select the area you want to capture.

2. Click and drag the crosshair over the desired area of your screen, then release it when you’re done selecting.

3. A screenshot of that specific area will be saved as a .png file on your desktop with “Screen Shot” followed by the date and time in its name (e.g., Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 10:00 AM).

4. If you want to edit or share this image, simply double-click it and open it in Preview or any other image editor/viewer app installed on your Mac computer.

How to Capture and Save a Customized Screenshot on Mac OS X

Capturing and saving a customized screenshot on Mac OS X is a simple process. To begin, open the application or window you wish to capture. Then, press Command + Shift + 4 simultaneously on your keyboard. This will bring up a crosshair cursor that you can use to select the area of the screen you want to capture. Once you have selected the desired area, release your mouse or trackpad button and the screenshot will be taken and saved as a .png file on your desktop.

If you would like to save only part of an application window instead of capturing an entire window or screen, press Command + Shift + 4 followed by Spacebar instead of selecting an area with your mouse or trackpad button. This will turn your cursor into a camera icon which can be used to select individual windows for capturing screenshots.

You can also customize how screenshots are saved by opening System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Screen Shots from the Apple menu bar at the top of your screen and selecting options such as where screenshots are saved (desktop, documents folder etc.), whether they should include shadows around windows in their captures, and more.