Home » How To Take A Scrolling Screenshot On Mac

How To Take A Scrolling Screenshot On Mac

by Simon Todd
How To Take A Scrolling Screenshot On Mac

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Take a Scrolling Screenshot on Mac

Taking a scrolling screenshot on Mac is a great way to capture an entire webpage or document in one image. This guide will walk you through the steps of taking a scrolling screenshot on your Mac.

1. Open the webpage or document that you want to take a scrolling screenshot of.
2. Press and hold the “Command” and “Shift” keys, then press “4” at the same time. Your cursor will turn into crosshairs with numbers next to it, indicating that you are now in screen-capture mode.
3. Move your cursor over the area that you want to capture and click and drag it until all of the content is highlighted in blue (you can also use arrow keys for more precise selection).
4. When everything is selected, release your mouse button or lift your finger from trackpad; this will save an image file on your desktop with a name like “Screen Shot [date] at [time].png”
5. To take another screenshot, press Command + Shift + 4 again; this time when selecting an area, press Spacebar instead of clicking and dragging – this will allow you to select any window or menu open on your screen as well as scrollable content such as webpages or documents (the crosshairs should turn into a camera icon when hovering over scrollable content).
6. When everything is selected, release Spacebar; this will save another image file on your desktop with similar naming convention as before (e.g., Screen Shot [date] at [time].png).

And there you have it! You have successfully taken two scrolling screenshots using only keyboard shortcuts – no additional software required!

Tips and Tricks for Taking the Perfect Scrolling Screenshot on Mac

1. Open the window or page you want to capture in a browser.
2. Press Command + Shift + 4 on your keyboard to open the screenshot tool.
3. Click and drag your mouse cursor to select the area of the page you want to capture, then release it when finished.
4. Press and hold the Spacebar key while moving your cursor over the window or page you want to capture until it turns into a camera icon, then click once with your mouse or trackpad to take a screenshot of that specific area only.
5. To take a scrolling screenshot, press and hold down both Option (Alt) and Shift keys while clicking with your mouse or trackpad until all of the content is captured in one image file on your desktop (or wherever else you have chosen for screenshots).
6. If needed, use an image editing program such as Preview or Photoshop Elements to crop out any unnecessary parts of the image before saving it as an image file for sharing online or printing out later on!


1. How do I take a scrolling screenshot on Mac?

To take a scrolling screenshot on Mac, you can use the built-in Grab utility. To access it, open the Applications folder and select Utilities > Grab. Once opened, click Capture > Scrolling Window to capture an entire webpage or document in one image. You can also use third-party apps such as Snagit or Skitch to capture scrolling screenshots on Mac.

2. What is the shortcut for taking a scrolling screenshot on Mac?

The shortcut for taking a scrolling screenshot on Mac is Command + Shift + 4 + Spacebar. This will allow you to select an area of your screen and then press Spacebar again to scroll down and capture more of the page in one image.