Home » How To Take A Partial Screenshot on MSI Laptop

How To Take A Partial Screenshot on MSI Laptop

by Simon Todd
How To Take A Partial Screenshot on MSI Laptop

Step-by-Step Guide to Taking Partial Screenshots on MSI Laptops

Taking partial screenshots on MSI laptops is a great way to capture specific parts of your screen without having to take a full screenshot. This guide will walk you through the steps for taking partial screenshots on MSI laptops.

1. Open the application or window that you want to take a screenshot of.
2. Press the “Print Screen” button on your keyboard, which is usually located near the top right corner of your keyboard and labeled as “PrtScn” or “PrntScrn”.
3. Open Paint, which can be found in the Start menu under All Programs > Accessories > Paint, and press Ctrl + V to paste your screenshot into Paint.
4. Select the “Select” tool from the toolbar at the top of Paint and draw a box around only what you want included in your partial screenshot by clicking and dragging with your mouse cursor over that area of the image until it is highlighted in blue (you can also use other selection tools such as lasso).
5. Once you have selected what part of your image you want included in your partial screenshot, click on Edit > Crop from the menu bar at the top of Paint or press Ctrl + X to crop out everything else outside of that selection box so only what was inside it remains visible in Paint’s canvas area (you can also use other cropping tools such as rectangle).
6. Finally, save this cropped image by clicking File > Save As from within Paint’s menu bar or pressing Ctrl + S and selecting where you would like this file saved (eg: Desktop) before giving it an appropriate name for easy identification later (eg: PartialScreenshot_MSI).

How to Capture Specific Areas of Your Screen with a Partial Screenshot on MSI Laptops

Taking a partial screenshot on an MSI laptop is a great way to capture specific areas of your screen. This can be useful for sharing information with others or for creating tutorials. Here are the steps to take a partial screenshot on an MSI laptop:

1. Press the “Print Screen” button on your keyboard. This will capture the entire screen and save it as an image file in your Pictures folder.

2. Open the image file in any photo editing software, such as Paint or Photoshop.

3. Select the area you want to capture by using either the rectangular selection tool or free-form selection tool, depending on what shape you need for your screenshot.

4. Once you have selected the area, press “Ctrl + C” to copy it and then “Ctrl + V” to paste it into a new document or image file of your choice (e.g., JPEG).

5. Save this new document/image file and you now have a partial screenshot of only that specific area of your screen!


Q1: How do I take a partial screenshot on my MSI laptop?
A1: To take a partial screenshot on an MSI laptop, press the “Print Screen” key and then open the Paint application. Select the “Select” tool from the ribbon menu and draw a box around the area you want to capture. Once you have selected your desired area, press “Ctrl + C” to copy it and then paste it into any other application or document.

Q2: What is the shortcut for taking a partial screenshot on an MSI laptop?
A2: The shortcut for taking a partial screenshot on an MSI laptop is “Print Screen” followed by pressing “Ctrl + C” to copy it.