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How To Screenshot On Yoga Laptop

by Simon Todd
How To Screenshot On Yoga Laptop

Step-by-Step Guide to Taking Screenshots on Your Yoga Laptop

Taking screenshots on your Yoga laptop is a great way to capture and share important information. Whether you need to save an image, document, or website page for later reference, this guide will walk you through the steps of taking a screenshot on your Yoga laptop.

1. Press the “Fn” and “PrtSc” keys simultaneously. This will take a screenshot of your entire screen and save it as an image file in the Pictures folder of your computer.

2. To take a screenshot of only part of the screen, press “Fn” + “Shift” + “PrtSc” at the same time. This will open up a crosshair cursor that you can use to select which area of the screen you want to capture in your screenshot. Once you have selected an area, release all three keys and the screenshot will be saved as an image file in your Pictures folder.

3. If you want to take multiple screenshots quickly without having to press any keys each time, press “Fn” + “Alt” + “PrtSc” simultaneously instead. This will enable continuous screenshots until all three keys are released again; each one is saved as its own image file in your Pictures folder with consecutive numbers at the end (e.g., Screenshot1, Screenshot2).

4. To view or edit any screenshots taken on your Yoga laptop, go into File Explorer and navigate to C:Users[Your Username]PicturesScreenshots where all images taken with these methods are stored by default (you can also search for them using keywords like “screenshot” or “Yoga”). From here you can open them up with any photo editing software installed on your computer or simply drag-and-drop them into other applications such as Word documents or emails for easy sharing!

How to Use the Built-in Screenshot Tool on Your Yoga Laptop for Maximum Efficiency

Taking screenshots on your Yoga laptop is a great way to capture and share important information quickly and easily. With the built-in screenshot tool, you can take screenshots of any part of your screen with just a few clicks. Here’s how to use the built-in screenshot tool on your Yoga laptop for maximum efficiency:

1. Open the Snipping Tool. The Snipping Tool is a built-in Windows application that allows you to take screenshots of any part of your screen. To open it, press the Windows key + R, type “snippingtool” into the Run box, and press Enter or click OK.

2. Select a snip type. Once you have opened the Snipping Tool, select which type of snip you would like to take from the dropdown menu at the top left corner of the window: Free-form Snip, Rectangular Snip, Window Snip or Full-screen Snip.

3. Take your screenshot by selecting an area on your screen with either mouse clicks or keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + PrtScn). If you are using Free-form or Rectangular snips then click and drag over an area on your screen; if using Window snips then select one window; if using Fullscreen snips then no selection is necessary as it will capture everything visible on all monitors connected to your computer at once!

4. Save and share! Once you have taken a screenshot it will be saved in PNG format in Pictures > Screenshots folder by default but can also be saved in other formats such as JPG/JPEG/GIF/BMP etc., depending upon what options are available in ‘Save As’ dialog box when saving file manually from within application itself (File > Save As). You can also share these screenshots directly via email or social media platforms such as Facebook & Twitter etc., without having to save them first!


1. How do I take a screenshot on my Yoga laptop?

To take a screenshot on your Yoga laptop, press the “Fn” and “PrtScn” keys at the same time. This will capture an image of your entire screen and save it to your clipboard. You can then paste the image into any image editing program or document to save it permanently.

2. How do I take a screenshot of just one window on my Yoga laptop?

To take a screenshot of just one window on your Yoga laptop, press the “Alt” and “PrtScn” keys at the same time. This will capture an image of only the active window and save it to your clipboard. You can then paste the image into any image editing program or document to save it permanently.