Home » How To Take A Partial Screenshot on Lenovo Thinkpad

How To Take A Partial Screenshot on Lenovo Thinkpad

by Simon Todd
How To Take A Partial Screenshot on Lenovo Thinkpad

Step-by-Step Guide to Taking Partial Screenshots on a Lenovo Thinkpad

Taking partial screenshots on a Lenovo Thinkpad is a great way to capture only the most important parts of your screen. Whether you need to share an image with someone or just want to save it for later, this guide will show you how to take partial screenshots on your Lenovo Thinkpad.

Step 1: Open the Snipping Tool. On your keyboard, press the Windows key and type “Snipping Tool” into the search bar. Select “Snipping Tool” from the list of results and open it.

Step 2: Choose a snip type. Once you have opened Snipping Tool, click on “New” in order to select what kind of screenshot you would like to take. You can choose from Free-form Snip, Rectangular Snip, Window Snip or Full-screen Snip depending on what kind of screenshot you need.

Step 3: Take your screenshot. After selecting which type of snip you would like to take, use your mouse cursor and drag it over the area that you want captured in your screenshot before releasing it again when finished selecting an area for capture. Your selection will be highlighted in blue as soon as it is made and then automatically saved once released by clicking outside of its boundaries with your mouse cursor again after selection has been made..

Step 4: Save or share your screenshot if desired . Once taken, if desired ,you can save or share this partial screenshot by clicking File > Save As… in order to save it as an image file (such as .jpg) onto any location that is convenient for yourself such as desktop or documents folder etc.,or alternatively click File > Share…in order send via email etc..

And there we have it! Taking partial screenshots on a Lenovo Thinkpad is now easy thanks to these simple steps outlined above!

How to Capture Specific Areas of Your Screen with a Lenovo Thinkpad: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Capturing specific areas of your screen with a Lenovo Thinkpad is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. This tutorial will provide you with the necessary information to capture any area of your screen quickly and easily.

First, locate the “Print Screen” button on your keyboard. It is usually located near the top right corner of the keyboard, above the arrow keys and next to F12. Once you have located this key, press it once to capture an image of your entire screen.

Next, open an image editing program such as Microsoft Paint or Adobe Photoshop. Once opened, press “Ctrl + V” on your keyboard to paste the screenshot into the program window. You should now see an exact replica of what was displayed on your screen when you pressed “Print Screen” earlier.

Now that you have pasted in a screenshot into an image editing program, it is time to select only certain parts of it for capturing purposes. To do this, use either the rectangular selection tool or lasso tool (depending on which program you are using). With these tools selected, simply draw around any area that you wish to capture and copy it by pressing “Ctrl + C” on your keyboard once again.

Finally, open up another document or application where you would like to paste in this newly captured area from your screenshot and press “Ctrl + V” one last time for pasting purposes! Congratulations – You have now successfully captured specific areas from a Lenovo Thinkpad’s screen!


Q1: How do I take a partial screenshot on my Lenovo Thinkpad?
A1: To take a partial screenshot on your Lenovo Thinkpad, press the “Print Screen” key (usually located near the top right of your keyboard) and then open an image editing program such as Microsoft Paint. Once in Paint, select “Edit” and then “Paste” to paste the screenshot into the program. You can then use the selection tool to select only part of the image that you want to capture and save it as an image file.

Q2: What other methods are available for taking screenshots on my Lenovo Thinkpad?
A2: In addition to using Print Screen, you can also use Windows 10’s built-in Snipping Tool or third-party programs such as Lightshot or Greenshot. These tools allow you to easily capture specific areas of your screen with just a few clicks.