Step-by-Step Guide to Taking Partial Screenshots on a Thinkpad Laptop
Taking partial screenshots on a Thinkpad laptop is a great way to capture specific parts of your screen without having to take an entire screenshot. This guide will walk you through the steps of taking partial screenshots on your Thinkpad laptop.
1. Open the program or file that you want to take a screenshot of.
2. Press and hold down the “Fn” key and press the “PrtSc” (Print Screen) key at the same time. This will capture an image of your entire screen, including any open windows or programs that are currently running in the background.
3. Open Microsoft Paint by clicking on Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint, or by typing “Paint” into your search bar if you have Windows 8 or 10 installed on your computer.
4. Once Paint is open, press Ctrl + V to paste in the image that was captured when you pressed Fn + PrtSc earlier in this process.
5 Select the rectangular selection tool from the toolbar at top left corner of Paint window and draw a rectangle around only those parts of your screen which you want to include in your partial screenshot .
6 Once you have selected all desired areas for inclusion in your partial screenshot, click File > Save As from within Microsoft Paint and save it as an image file such as JPEG or PNG format with whatever name suits best for easy identification later .
Congratulations! You have now successfully taken a partial screenshot using only keyboard shortcuts and Microsoft Paint!
How to Capture Specific Areas of Your Screen with a Partial Screenshot on a Thinkpad Laptop
Taking a partial screenshot on a Thinkpad laptop is an easy process. This guide will walk you through the steps to capture specific areas of your screen.
First, press the “Print Screen” button on your keyboard. This will take a full screenshot of your entire screen and save it to the clipboard.
Next, open an image editing program such as Microsoft Paint or Adobe Photoshop. Paste the full screenshot into this program by pressing “Ctrl + V” or selecting “Paste” from the Edit menu.
Now you can select any area of the image that you want to capture in your partial screenshot by using either the selection tool or lasso tool in your image editing program. Once you have selected an area, copy it by pressing “Ctrl + C” or selecting “Copy” from the Edit menu.
Finally, open up another image editing program such as Microsoft Paint and paste (Ctrl + V) what you copied into this new window to create a new file with just that portion of your original screenshot saved in it. You can now save this file as an image file (e.g., .jpg) for future use if desired!
Q1: How do I take a partial screenshot on my Thinkpad laptop?
A1: To take a partial screenshot on your Thinkpad laptop, press the “Print Screen” key (usually located near the top right of your keyboard) and then open an image editing program such as Microsoft Paint. Once in Paint, select “Edit” and then “Paste” to paste the screenshot into the program. You can then use the selection tool to select only part of the image that you want to capture and save it as an image file.
Q2: What other methods are available for taking screenshots on my Thinkpad laptop?
A2: In addition to using Print Screen, you can also use Windows 10’s built-in Snipping Tool or third-party programs such as Lightshot or Greenshot. These tools allow you to easily capture specific areas of your screen with just a few clicks.