Home » How To Take A Video Screenshot on Lenovo Chromebook

How To Take A Video Screenshot on Lenovo Chromebook

by Simon Todd
How To Take A Video Screenshot on Lenovo Chromebook

Step-by-Step Guide to Taking a Video Screenshot on Your Lenovo Chromebook

Taking a video screenshot on your Lenovo Chromebook is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. This guide will walk you through the process of capturing an image from any video playing on your device.

Step 1: Open the video you wish to take a screenshot of.
Step 2: Press the “Ctrl” and “Window Switcher” keys at the same time to capture an image of what is currently playing on your screen.
Step 3: The captured image will be saved in your Downloads folder as a PNG file with the date and time it was taken as part of its name.
Step 4: To view or edit this file, open it using any photo editing software or application available for Chromebooks such as Pixlr Editor or Polarr Photo Editor.
Step 5: Once you have finished editing, save the file in whatever format you prefer and share it with friends or family via email, social media, etc.

How to Capture and Share Video Screenshots from Your Lenovo Chromebook

Taking screenshots of video content on your Lenovo Chromebook is a great way to capture and share memorable moments with friends and family. Whether you’re watching a movie, playing a game, or streaming live content, capturing screenshots can help you save and share the best parts of your experience. Here’s how to do it:

1. Open the video or game that you want to take a screenshot of.
2. Press the “Ctrl + Switch Window” keys simultaneously on your keyboard to capture an image of what is currently displayed on your screen.
3. The screenshot will be saved in the “Downloads” folder as an image file (PNG). You can open this file with any photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or GIMP for further editing if desired.
4. To share the screenshot, simply upload it to any social media platform or email it directly from your Chromebook using Google Drive or other cloud storage services like Dropbox or OneDrive.
5. Enjoy sharing your favorite moments with friends and family!


Q1: How do I take a video screenshot on my Lenovo Chromebook?

A1: To take a video screenshot on your Lenovo Chromebook, press the “Ctrl” and “Shift” keys at the same time, then press the “Window Switcher” key (the one with two rectangles). This will open up a window where you can select which part of the screen you want to capture. Once you have selected your desired area, click on the camera icon in the top right corner of this window to save your screenshot.